Fork 0

replace schedule rules with automated range calculations

Bob Carroll 2024-01-16 21:18:01 -06:00
parent 8dd1f1766a
commit eb2a06aa9f
4 changed files with 246 additions and 204 deletions

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@ -18,187 +18,258 @@
import sys
import asyncio
from contextlib import AsyncExitStack
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
from collections import namedtuple
import logging
import yaml
from dns.asyncresolver import resolve
from asyncio_mqtt import Client
import umsgpack
from dateutil.parser import parse
Rule = namedtuple('Rule', 'bri ct')
async def apply_rule(rule, client):
class SceneManager(object):
Sets the scene from a rule.
Manages light state changes.
:param rule: a rule dictionary
:param client: mqtt client
name = rule.get('name')
logging.debug(f'Begin applying rule: {name}')
for light, payload in rule.get('scene', {}).items():
payload = {k: v
for k, v in payload.items()
if k in ['mode', 'brightness', 'effect']}
if not len(payload):
logging.warn(f'Light {light} payload is malformed')
logging.debug(f'Setting state for light {light}: {payload}')
await client.publish(f'light/{light}/state/set', umsgpack.packb(payload))
logging.debug(f'End applying rule: {name}')
async def check_elevation(trigger, state):
Determines if the current sun elevation matches the trigger.
:param trigger: a trigger dictionary
:param rule: new light state values
:param state: shared state dictionary
:returns: True on match, False otherwise
elevation = state.get('elevation')
is_rising = state.get('rising')
at = trigger.get('at', 0)
until = trigger.get('until', 0)
on_rising = at <= until
def __init__(self, client, rule, state):
self.client = client
self.rule = rule
self.elevation = state['solar']['elevation']
self.direction = state['solar']['direction']
self.auto_on = state['options'].get('auto_on', False)
if elevation is None or is_rising is None:
return False
elif is_rising and (not on_rising or elevation < at or elevation >= until):
return False
elif not is_rising and (on_rising or elevation > at or elevation <= until):
return False
def get_auto_on_config(self, options):
Gets the solar elevation and direction settings for a light.
:param options: light configuration
:returns: a tuple of elevation and direction values
return options.get('auto_on_elevation'), options.get('auto_on_direction', 1)
def check_auto_on(self, options):
Determiens whether a light should automatically turn on based on configured and current
solar elevation and direction.
:param options: light configuration
:returns: True if the light should turn on, False otherwise
elevation, direction = self.get_auto_on_config(options)
if self.auto_on and elevation is not None and self.direction == direction:
tod = 'morning' if direction else 'evening'
logging.debug(f'Auto-on will trigger in the {tod} at {elevation} degrees')
if direction and self.elevation >= elevation:
return True
elif not direction and self.elevation <= elevation:
return True
async def check_time(trigger):
Determines if the current time matches the trigger.
:param trigger: a trigger dictionary
:returns: True on match, False otherwise
at_time = parse(trigger.get('at'))
before = at_time + timedelta(minutes=trigger.get('for', 1))
return at_time <= datetime.now() < before
async def match_trigger(trigger, state):
Looks for matching triggers.
:param trigger: a trigger dictionary
:param state: shared state dictionary
:returns: True on match, False otherwise
type_ = trigger.get('type')
if type_ == 'elevation':
return await check_elevation(trigger, state)
elif type_ == 'time':
return await check_time(trigger)
logging.warn(f'Unknown trigger type: {type_}')
return False
async def periodic_rule_check(client, state, mutex):
def adjust_brightness(self, state):
Periodically checks for a matching rule to apply.
Adjusts the rule brightness value given an offset.
:param state: light state dictionary
:returns: new brightness value
offset = state['options'].get('brightness_offset', 0)
return max(min(self.rule.bri + offset, 100), 0)
def adjust_colour_temp(self, state):
Adjusts the rule colour temperature value given an offset.
:param state: light state dictionary
:returns: new colour temperature value
offset = state['options'].get('colour_temp_offset', 0)
return max(min(self.rule.ct + offset, 10000), 0)
async def turn_on(self, name, state):
Turns on a light based on current state and configuration.
:param name: light name
:param state: light state dictionary
bri = self.adjust_brightness(state)
ct = self.adjust_colour_temp(state)
payload = {'mode': 'dim',
'brightness': bri,
'effect': {'type': 'temperature',
'value': f'{ct}K'}}
if state.get('on', False) or self.check_auto_on(state['options']):
logging.debug(f'Setting state for light {name}: {payload}')
await self.client.publish(f'light/{name}/state/set', umsgpack.packb(payload))
logging.debug(f'Skipping light {name} because it is off')
def match_step_rule(rules, current):
Gets the closest rule for the given index.
:param rules: dictionary of step rules
:param current: the current step index
:returns: the matched rule
return rules[min(rules.keys(), key=lambda k: abs(k - current))]
async def update_light_states(client, state):
Updates the state of all lights based on the solar state.
:param client mqtt client
:param state: shared state dictionary
if state['paused']:
logging.debug('Circadian automation is paused, skipping')
elif state['solar']['elevation'] < 0:
logging.debug('Sun is below the horizon, skipping')
index = (state['solar']['elevation'] / state['solar']['noon']) * 100
logging.debug(f'Current step index: {index}')
rule = match_step_rule(state['rules'], index)
logging.debug(f'Matched step rule: {rule}')
scene = SceneManager(client, rule, state)
for light_name, light_state in state['lights'].items():
await scene.turn_on(light_name, light_state)
await client.publish('scene/activate', state['scene_name'])
async def on_solar_state_change(client, state, mutex, messages):
Event handler for receiving solar state changes.
:param client: mqtt client
:param state: shared state dictionary
:param mutex: lock for making changes to shared state
:param messages: mqtt message generator
async with mutex:
rules = state['rules']
scene_name = state['scene-name']
while True:
logging.debug('Begin rule check')
await mutex.acquire()
active = state.get('active', -1)
for i, r in enumerate(rules):
if active > -1 and i != active:
logging.debug('Skipping, another rule is active')
async for m in messages:
logging.debug(f'Checking rule: {r.get("name")}')
matched = await match_trigger(r.get('trigger', {}), state)
if matched and active == i:
logging.debug('Rule has already been triggered')
elif matched:
logging.info(f'Rule triggered: {r.get("name")}')
await apply_rule(r, client)
await client.publish('scene/activate', scene_name)
active = i
elif active == i:
logging.debug('Resetting, rule no longer matches')
active = -1
async with mutex:
state['solar'] = umsgpack.unpackb(m.payload)
logging.debug(f'Received solar state: {state["solar"]}')
await update_light_states(client, state)
except Exception as ex:
state['active'] = active
logging.debug('End rule check')
await asyncio.sleep(30)
async def on_sun_event(state, mutex, messages):
async def on_light_event(client, state, mutex, messages):
Event handler for sun state changes.
Event handler for receiving light 'on' changes.
:param client: mqtt client
:param state: shared state dictionary
:param mutex: lock for making changes to shared state
:param messages: mqtt message generator
async for m in messages:
_, event = m.topic.split('/')
async with mutex:
if event == 'elevation':
state['elevation'] = round(float(m.payload), 1)
logging.debug(f'Received sun elevation: {state["elevation"]}')
elif event == 'rising':
state['rising'] = bool(int(m.payload))
logging.debug(f'Received sun rising state: {state["rising"]}')
_, name, _ = m.topic.split('/', 3)
logging.debug(f'Received light {name} state: {m.payload}')
if name in state['lights']:
current = state['lights'][name]['on']
state['lights'][name]['on'] = bool(int(m.payload))
if not current and 'solar' in state:
await update_light_states(client, state)
except Exception as ex:
async def on_reset(state, mutex, messages):
async def on_pause(client, state, mutex, messages):
Handler for resetting the active scene.
Handler for pausing and unpausing the automation.
:param client: mqtt client
:param state: shared state dictionary
:param mutex: lock for making changes to shared state
:param messages: mqtt message generator
async for m in messages:
if int(m.payload) == 1:
logging.debug('Resetting active scene')
async with mutex:
state['active'] = -1
logging.debug(f'Setting paused state: {m.payload}')
state['paused'] = bool(int(m.payload))
await client.publish('circadian/paused', m.payload, retain=True)
except Exception as ex:
def compute_steps(range_min, range_max, count):
Computes the intervals given a range and step.
:param range_min:
:param range_max:
:param count: the number of steps to iterate over
:returns: a list of intervals
step = (range_max - range_min) / count
result = []
i = 0
while range_min + i * step <= range_max:
result.append(round(range_min + i * step))
i += 1
return result
def make_rule_map(config):
Builds a mapping of step rules to light state rules.
:param config: configuration dictionary
:returns: a dictionary of rules
steps = min(max(config.get('change_steps', 1), 1), 100)
elev = compute_steps(0, 100, steps)
bri = compute_steps(max(config.get('min_brightness', 0), 0),
min(config.get('max_brightness', 100), 100),
ct = compute_steps(max(config.get('min_colour_temp', 0), 0),
min(config.get('max_colour_temp', 10000), 10000),
return {e: Rule(b, t) for e, b, t in zip(elev, bri, ct)}
def make_light_map(config):
Builds a mapping of light options and state.
:param config: configuration dictionary
:returns: a dictionary of light states
def transform(in_):
options = {k: v for k, v in in_.items() if k != 'name'}
return {'options': options, 'on': False}
return {x['name']: transform(x) for x in config}
async def get_broker(config):
Gets the mqtt broker address from an SRV record.
@ -223,8 +294,11 @@ async def init(config):
:param config: configuration dictionary
state = {'rules': config.get('rules', []),
'scene-name': config.get('scene-name', 'Circadian')}
state = {'lights': make_light_map(config.get('lights', [])),
'rules': make_rule_map(config.get('options', {})),
'scene_name': config.get('scene_name', 'Circadian'),
'options': config.get('options', {}),
'paused': False}
mutex = asyncio.Lock()
tasks = set()
@ -234,22 +308,20 @@ async def init(config):
logging.info('Connected to mqtt broker')
topics = {
'circadian/reset': on_reset,
'sun/elevation': on_sun_event,
'sun/rising': on_sun_event}
'circadian/paused/set': on_pause,
'light/+/on': on_light_event,
'sun/state': on_solar_state_change}
for t, cb in topics.items():
manager = client.filtered_messages(t)
messages = await stack.enter_async_context(manager)
task = asyncio.create_task(cb(state, mutex, messages))
task = asyncio.create_task(cb(client, state, mutex, messages))
await client.subscribe('circadian/#')
await client.publish('circadian/paused', 0, retain=True)
await client.subscribe('light/#')
await client.subscribe('sun/#')
task = asyncio.create_task(periodic_rule_check(client, state, mutex))
await asyncio.gather(*tasks)

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@ -7,58 +7,30 @@ log:
level: INFO
scene-name: Circadian
# Automatically turn lights on at specific elevations
auto_on: true
# Number of changes to make between sunrise/sunset and noon
change_steps: 20
# Maxiumum brightness percentage (0-100)
max_brightness: 100
# Maxium colour temperature in kelvin (for Hue, 2000-6500)
max_colour_temp: 6000
# Minimum brightness percentage (0-100)
min_brightness: 60
# Minimum colour temperature in kelvin (for Hue, 2000-6500)
min_colour_temp: 3000
# Name of the scene to annouce on elevation change
scene_name: Circadian
- name: Early Morning
type: elevation
at: 0.0
until: 6.0
- topic: hue/light/5/set
'on': true
bri: 128
ct_k: 4000
- name: Late Morning
type: elevation
at: 18.0
until: 30.0
- topic: hue/light/5/bri
data: 255
- name: Lunch
type: time
at: '12:00'
# minutes
for: 60
- topic: hue/light/8/set
'on': true
bri: 224
ct_k: 3800
- name: Late Afternoon
type: elevation
at: 18.0
until: 12.0
- topic: hue/light/5/set
'on': true
bri: 255
ct_k: 3600
- topic: hue/group/6/set
'on': true
bri: 255
ct_k: 3600
- topic: hue/light/8/on
data: 0
- name: Nightstand
- name: Floor Lamp
# Offset in degrees to make lights brighter or dimmer
adjust_brightness: 10
# Offset in kelvin to make lights warmer or cooler
adjust_colour_temp: -500
# Solar elevation for when this light should be turned on
auto_on_elevation: 30
# 1 for rising, 0 for setting
auto_on_direction: 0

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@ -2,7 +2,6 @@

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@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
from setuptools import setup, find_namespace_packages
description='adapts lighting based on the sun movement',
author='Bob Carroll',
@ -11,8 +11,7 @@ setup(name='cherry-circadian',
'Development Status :: 2 - Pre-Alpha',
'Environment :: Console',