# This file is part of the libcfbf distribution (https://github.com/rcarz/libcfbf). # Copyright (c) 2020 Bob Carroll (bob.carroll@alum.rit.edu) # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, version 2. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but # WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU # General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see . import math from itertools import chain, takewhile from io import BytesIO, SEEK_CUR, SEEK_END class CfbfDocument(object): """ An implementation of Microsoft's Compound File Binary Format. :param file: an open file resource :param header: a CFBF header structure """ LITTLE_ENDIAN = b'\xfe\xff' FREE_SEC_ID = -1 END_OF_CHAIN_ID = -2 SAT_SEC_ID = -3 MSAT_SEC_ID = -4 def __init__(self, file, header): self.header = header self._file = file self._sector_size = int(math.pow(2, header.sector_size)) self._sector_at = None self._file_size = None self._root_dir = None def __del__(self): self.close() def __enter__(self): return self def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb): self.close() @property def sector_size(self): """ :returns: the width of a sector in bytes """ return self._sector_size @property def file_size(self): """ :returns: the byte size of the file """ if self._file_size is None: self._file.seek(0, SEEK_END) self._file_size = self._file.tell() return self._file_size @property def sector_alloc_table(self): """ :returns: the Sector Allocation Table """ if not self._sector_at: self._sector_at = list(self.build_sector_alloc_table()) return self._sector_at @property def root_entry(self): """ :returns: the root directory entry """ if self._root_dir is None: self._root_dir = DirectoryEntry.open(self) return self._root_dir @classmethod def open(cls, path): """ Opens a CFBF file for reading. :param path: document file path :returns: a document object """ file = open(path, 'rb') try: header = CfbfHeader.read(file) if header.byte_order != cls.LITTLE_ENDIAN: raise CfbfError('Only little-endian encoding is supported') document = cls(file, header) except: # noqa: E722 file.close() raise else: return document def close(self): """ Closes the file stream. """ if self._file: self._file.flush() self._file.close() self._file = None def compute_sector_offset(self, sec_id): """ Compute a sector's byte offset in the file. :param sec_id: sector ID :returns: a byte offset """ return self.header.size + (sec_id * self.sector_size) def read_sector(self, sec_id): """ Reads sector data from the file. :param sec_id: sector ID :returns: sector data """ if sec_id < 0: raise CfbfError('Bad sector ID') offset = self.compute_sector_offset(sec_id) if offset >= self.file_size: raise CfbfError('End of file') self._file.seek(offset) return self._file.read(self.sector_size) def partition_sectors(self, data): """ Splits the buffer into sector IDs. :param data: buffer to read :returns: a list of sector IDs """ n = self.header.SEC_ID_SIZE if len(data) % n != 0: raise CfbfError('Buffer length is not divisible by sector ID size') return [btoi(data[i:i + n]) for i in range(0, len(data), n)] def walk_msat_sectors(self, sec_id, results, chain=None): """ Reads the extended MSAT from sectors. :param sec_id: the sector ID to read :param results: running list of results :param chain: running set of sector IDs visited :returns: a set of MSAT sector IDs """ if chain is None: chain = set() sector = self.partition_sectors(self.read_sector(sec_id)) results.extend(takewhile(lambda x: x != self.FREE_SEC_ID, sector[:-1])) if sector[-1] == self.END_OF_CHAIN_ID: return chain | {sec_id} elif sector[-1] in chain: raise CfbfError('Extended Master Sector Allocation Table is corrupted') return self.walk_msat_sectors(sector[-1], results, chain | {sec_id}) def read_msat_sectors(self): """ Reads the Master Sector Allocation Table and generates a list of sectors. :return: a tuple of a list of SAT sector IDs and a list of MSAT sector IDs """ self._file.seek(self.header.master_sat_offset) data = self._file.read(self.header.MSAT_SIZE) sat_ids = self.partition_sectors(data)[:self.header.sat_sectors] if self.header.master_sat_first != self.END_OF_CHAIN_ID: msat_ids = self.walk_msat_sectors(self.header.master_sat_first, sat_ids) else: msat_ids = [] return (sat_ids, msat_ids) def check_msat_integrity(self, msat, ids): """ Perform integrity checking on the Master Sector Allocation Table. :param msat: the MSAT :param ids: set of sector IDs for the extended table :returns: True if clean, False otherwise """ if msat[0] < 0: return False elif len(ids) != self.header.master_sat_count: return False visited = set() for sec_id in takewhile(lambda x: x != self.FREE_SEC_ID, msat): if sec_id * self.sector_size + self.header.size >= self.file_size: return False elif sec_id in visited: return False else: visited.add(sec_id) return True def build_sector_alloc_table(self): """ Builds the Sector Allocation Table as an array of sector ID chains. :returns: the SAT """ def raise_(): raise CfbfError('Master Sector Allocation Table is corrupted') def check(x): if x[0] in msat and x[1] != self.SAT_SEC_ID: raise_() if x[0] in msat_ids and x[1] != self.MSAT_SEC_ID: raise_() else: return x[1] msat, msat_ids = self.read_msat_sectors() if not self.check_msat_integrity(msat, msat_ids): raise_() return map(check, enumerate( chain(*(self.partition_sectors(self.read_sector(x)) for x in msat)))) def walk_sector_chain(self, start): """ Generator for discovering sector IDs from the Sector Allocation Table. :param start: entry point in the SAT where the chain begins :returns: an iterator that yields sector IDs """ index = start visited = set() def raise_(): raise CfbfError('Sector Allocation Table is corrupted') while index != self.END_OF_CHAIN_ID: if index < 0 or index in visited: raise raise_() yield index visited.add(index) try: index = self.sector_alloc_table[index] except IndexError: raise_() def concat_sectors(self, start): """ Creates a concatenated byte string of sectors. :param start: the starting sector ID :returns: a byte string """ buf = b'' for x in self.walk_sector_chain(start): buf += self.read_sector(x) return buf class CfbfHeader(object): """ Compound Document Format header structure. """ CFBF_MAGIC_NUMBER = b'\xd0\xcf\x11\xe0\xa1\xb1\x1a\xe1' SEC_ID_SIZE = 4 MSAT_SIZE = 436 def __init__(self, file): self.uid = file.read(16) self.revision = btoi(file.read(2)) self.version = btoi(file.read(2)) self.byte_order = file.read(2) self.sector_size = btoi(file.read(2)) self.short_sector_size = btoi(file.read(2)) file.seek(10, SEEK_CUR) self.sat_sectors = btoi(file.read(4)) self.directory_sector = btoi(file.read(4)) file.seek(4, SEEK_CUR) self.min_stream_size = btoi(file.read(4)) self.short_sat_first = btoi(file.read(4)) self.short_sat_count = btoi(file.read(4)) self.master_sat_first = btoi(file.read(4)) self.master_sat_count = btoi(file.read(4)) self._master_sat_offset = file.tell() self.master_sat = file.read(self.MSAT_SIZE) self._header_size = file.tell() @property def master_sat_offset(self): """ :returns: the offset of the start of the MSAT """ return self._master_sat_offset @property def size(self): """ :returns: the width of the header in bytes """ return self._header_size @classmethod def read(cls, file): """ Reads the CFBF file header into a structure. :param file: an open file resource :returns: a CFBF header structure """ file.seek(0) if file.read(8) != cls.CFBF_MAGIC_NUMBER: raise CfbfError('Bad magic number') return cls(file) class CfbfError(Exception): """ Catch-all exception for CFBF read errors. """ pass class DirectoryEntry(object): """ Compound Document Format storage container. :param document: an open CFBF document :param stream: directory entry byte stream """ DIR_ENTRY_SIZE = 128 DIR_ENTRY_NULL = -1 TYPE_EMPTY = 0x0 TYPE_USER_STORAGE = 0x1 TYPE_USER_STREAM = 0x2 TYPE_LOCK_BYTES = 0x3 TYPE_PROPERTY = 0x4 TYPE_ROOT_STORAGE = 0x5 def __init__(self, document, stream): self._document = document self._stream = stream self._children = None name = stream.read(64) self.entry_name_sz = btoi(stream.read(2)) self.entry_type = btoi(stream.read(1)) self.node_color = btoi(stream.read(1)) self.node_left = btoi(stream.read(4)) self.node_right = btoi(stream.read(4)) self.node_root = btoi(stream.read(4)) self.uid = stream.read(16) self.user_flags = stream.read(4) self.created_at = stream.read(8) self.modified_at = stream.read(8) self.stream_sector = btoi(stream.read(4)) self.stream_size = btoi(stream.read(4)) stream.seek(4, SEEK_CUR) self.entry_name = str(name[:self.entry_name_sz - 2], 'utf-16-le') def __getitem__(self, key): """ Looks up children by name. Key can be a path separated by /. :param key: child entry name to find :returns: the entry or None """ ent = next((x for x in self.children if x.entry_name == key), None) if ent is None: raise KeyError(key) return ent @property def storage_type(self): """ :returns: True if this entry is a storage type, False otherwise """ return self.entry_type in [self.TYPE_USER_STORAGE, self.TYPE_ROOT_STORAGE] @property def stream_type(self): """ :returns: True if this entry is a user stream, False otherwise """ return self.entry_type == self.TYPE_USER_STREAM @property def children(self): """ :returns: a list of all direct child entries """ if self._children is None: self._children = self.find_children() return self._children def compute_offset(self, id_): """ Computes the byte offset of the given directory entry. :param id_: directory entry ID :return: stream offset where entry begins """ return id_ * self.DIR_ENTRY_SIZE @classmethod def open(cls, document): """ Opens the root directory. :param document: a CFBF document :returns: the root directory entry """ sec_id = document.header.directory_sector if sec_id < 0 and sec_id >= len(document.sector_alloc_table): raise CfbfError('Bad directory sector') buf = document.concat_sectors(sec_id) return cls(document, BytesIO(buf)) def stream(self): """ Opens a stream for reading. :returns: a byte stream object """ if not self.stream_type: raise CfbfError('Entry is not a stream') elif self.stream_size < self._document.header.min_stream_size: raise CfbfError('Short streams are not implemented') buf = self._document.concat_sectors(self.stream_sector) return BytesIO(buf) def _descend(self, id_, results): """ Recursively descends into the given node and finds siblings. :param id_: directory entry ID to descend to :param results: resulting entries collected during descent """ self._stream.seek(self.compute_offset(id_)) ent = DirectoryEntry(self._document, self._stream) results.append(ent) results.extend(ent.find_siblings()) def find_children(self): """ Finds all direct child entries of this entry. :returns: a list of child entries. """ results = [] if self.storage_type and self.node_root != self.DIR_ENTRY_NULL: self._descend(self.node_root, results) return results def find_siblings(self): """ Walks the red-black tree looking for nodes that are sibling entries. :returns: a list of sibling entries """ results = [] if self.node_left != self.DIR_ENTRY_NULL: self._descend(self.node_left, results) if self.node_right != self.DIR_ENTRY_NULL: self._descend(self.node_right, results) return results def btoi(bstr, signed=True): """ Converts a little-endian byte string to an integer. :param buf: a byte string :param signed: optional flag for sign-magnitude :returns: an integer """ return int.from_bytes(bstr, byteorder='little', signed=signed)