package net.rcarz.jiraclient.agile import net.rcarz.jiraclient.Field /** * Created on 2016-05-19. * @author pldupont */ interface JSONResources { long BOARD_ID = 84L String BOARD_SELF = "${BOARD_ID}" String BOARD_NAME = "scrum board" String BOARD_TYPE = "scrum" String BOARD = """{ "id": ${BOARD_ID}, "self": "${BOARD_SELF}", "name": "${BOARD_NAME}", "type": "${BOARD_TYPE}" }""" String LIST_OF_BOARDS = """{ "maxResults": 2, "startAt": 1, "total": 2, "isLast": true, "values": [ ${BOARD}, { "id": 92, "self": "", "name": "kanban board", "type": "kanban" } ] }""" long SPRINT_ID = 37L String SPRINT_NAME = "sprint 1" String SPRINT_SELF = "${SPRINT_ID}" String SPRINT_STATE = "closed" long SPRINT_ORIGIN_BOARD_ID = BOARD_ID Date SPRINT_START_DATE = Field.getDateTime("2015-04-11T15:22:00.000+10:00") Date SPRINT_END_DATE = Field.getDateTime("2015-04-20T01:22:00.000+10:00") Date SPRINT_COMPLETE_DATE = Field.getDateTime("2015-04-20T11:04:00.000+10:00") String SPRINT = """{ "id": ${SPRINT_ID}, "self": "${SPRINT_SELF}", "state": "${SPRINT_STATE}", "name": "${SPRINT_NAME}", "startDate": "${SPRINT_START_DATE}", "endDate": "${SPRINT_END_DATE}", "completeDate": "${SPRINT_COMPLETE_DATE}", "originBoardId": ${BOARD_ID} }""" String LIST_OF_SPRINTS = """{ "maxResults": 2, "startAt": 1, "total": 2, "isLast": true, "values": [ ${SPRINT}, { "id": 72, "self": "", "state": "future", "name": "sprint 2" } ] }""" long EPIC_ID = 23 String EPIC_SELF = "${EPIC_ID}" String EPIC_NAME = "epic 1" String EPIC_SUMMARY = "epic 1 summary" boolean EPIC_DONE = true String EPIC = """{ "id": ${EPIC_ID}, "self": "${EPIC_SELF}", "name": "${EPIC_NAME}", "summary": "${EPIC_SUMMARY}", "color": { "key": "color_4" }, "done": ${EPIC_DONE} }""" String LIST_OF_EPICS = """{ "maxResults": 2, "startAt": 1, "total": 5, "isLast": false, "values": [ ${EPIC}, { "id": 37, "self": "", "name": "epic 2", "summary": "epic 2 summary", "color": { "key": "color_2" }, "done": false } ] }""" long PROJECT_ID = 10000L String PROJECT_KEY = "EX" String PROJECT_NAME = "Example" String PROJECT_SELF = "${PROJECT_KEY}" String PROJECT = """{ "self": "${PROJECT_SELF}", "id": "${PROJECT_ID}", "key": "${PROJECT_KEY}", "name": "${PROJECT_NAME}", "avatarUrls": { "48x48": "", "24x24": "", "16x16": "", "32x32": "" }, "projectCategory": { "self": "", "id": "10000", "name": "FIRST", "description": "First Project Category" } }""" String USER_NAME = "Example" String USER_SELF = "${USER_NAME}" String USER = """{ "self" : "${USER_SELF}", "name" : "${USER_NAME}", "key" : "pldupont", "emailAddress" : "", "avatarUrls" : { "48x48" : "", "24x24" : "", "16x16" : "", "32x32" : "" }, "displayName" : "Pierre-Luc Dupont", "active" : true, "timeZone" : "America/New_York" }""" String ISSUE_TIMETRACKING = """{ "originalEstimate": "10m", "remainingEstimate": "3m", "timeSpent": "6m", "originalEstimateSeconds": 600, "remainingEstimateSeconds": 200, "timeSpentSeconds": 400 }""" long ISSUE_WORKLOG_ID = 100028L String ISSUE_WORKLOG_SELF = "${ISSUE_WORKLOG_ID}" String ISSUE_WORKLOG = """{ "self": "${ISSUE_WORKLOG_SELF}", "author": ${USER}, "updateAuthor": ${USER}, "comment": "I did some work here.", "updated": "2016-03-21T15:26:17.882+0100", "visibility": { "type": "group", "value": "jira-developers" }, "started": "2016-03-21T15:26:17.881+0100", "timeSpent": "3h 20m", "timeSpentSeconds": 12000, "id": "${ISSUE_WORKLOG_ID}", "issueId": "10002" }""" long ISSUE_COMMENT_ID = 9999L String ISSUE_COMMENT_SELF = "${ISSUE_COMMENT_ID}" String ISSUE_COMMENT = """{ "self": "${ISSUE_COMMENT_SELF}", "id": "9999", "author": ${USER}, "body": "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque eget venenatis elit. Duis eu justo eget augue iaculis fermentum. Sed semper quam laoreet nisi egestas at posuere augue semper.", "updateAuthor": ${USER}, "created": "2016-03-21T15:26:17.875+0100", "updated": "2016-03-21T15:26:17.878+0100", "visibility": { "type": "role", "value": "Administrators" } }""" long ISSUE_TYPE_ID = 1L String ISSUE_TYPE_NAME = "Bug" String ISSUE_TYPE_SELF = "${ISSUE_TYPE_ID}" String ISSUE_TYPE = """{ "self" : "${ISSUE_TYPE_SELF}", "id" : "${ISSUE_TYPE_ID}", "description" : "A problem which impairs or prevents the functions of the product.", "iconUrl" : "", "name" : "${ISSUE_TYPE_NAME}", "subtask" : false }""" long ISSUE_RESOLUTION_ID = 6L String ISSUE_RESOLUTION_NAME = "Not a bug" String ISSUE_RESOLUTION_SELF = "${ISSUE_RESOLUTION_ID}" String ISSUE_RESOLUTION = """{ "self" : "${ISSUE_RESOLUTION_SELF}", "id" : "${ISSUE_RESOLUTION_ID}", "description" : "The problem is not a problem", "name" : "${ISSUE_RESOLUTION_NAME}" }""" long ISSUE_STATUS_ID = 6L String ISSUE_STATUS_NAME = "Closed" String ISSUE_STATUS_SELF = "${ISSUE_STATUS_ID}" String ISSUE_STATUS = """{ "self" : "${ISSUE_STATUS_SELF}", "description" : "The issue is considered finished, the resolution is correct. Issues which are closed can be reopened.", "iconUrl" : "", "name" : "${ISSUE_STATUS_NAME}", "id" : "${ISSUE_STATUS_ID}", "statusCategory" : { "self" : "", "id" : 3, "key" : "done", "colorName" : "green", "name" : "Done" } }""" long ISSUE_PRIORITY_ID = 2L String ISSUE_PRIORITY_NAME = "Critical" String ISSUE_PRIORITY_SELF = "${ISSUE_PRIORITY_ID}" String ISSUE_PRIORITY = """{ "self" : "${ISSUE_PRIORITY_SELF}", "iconUrl" : "", "name" : "${ISSUE_PRIORITY_NAME}", "id" : "${ISSUE_PRIORITY_ID}" }""" long ISSUE_ID = 10001L String ISSUE_SELF = "" String ISSUE_KEY = "HSP-1" boolean ISSUE_FLAGGED = true String ISSUE_DESCRIPTION = "example bug report" String ISSUE_ENVIRONMENT = "PROD" String ISSUE_CREATED_STR = "2016-05-11T10:58:01.000-0400" Date ISSUE_CREATED = Field.getDateTime(ISSUE_CREATED_STR) String ISSUE_UPDATED_STR = "2016-05-30T14:20:29.000-0400" Date ISSUE_UPDATED = Field.getDateTime(ISSUE_UPDATED_STR) String ISSUE = """{ "expand": "", "id": "${ISSUE_ID}", "self": "${ISSUE_SELF}", "key": "${ISSUE_KEY}", "fields": { "flagged": ${ISSUE_FLAGGED}, "sprint": ${SPRINT}, "closedSprint": { "closedSprints": [ { "id": 21, "self": "", "state": "closed", "name": "sprint 1", "startDate": "2015-04-11T15:22:00.000+10:00", "endDate": "2015-04-20T01:22:00.000+10:00", "completeDate": "2015-04-20T11:04:00.000+10:00" }, { "id": 22, "self": "", "state": "closed", "name": "sprint 1", "startDate": "2015-04-11T15:22:00.000+10:00", "endDate": "2015-04-20T01:22:00.000+10:00", "completeDate": "2015-04-20T11:04:00.000+10:00" }, { "id": 23, "self": "", "state": "closed", "name": "sprint 1", "startDate": "2015-04-11T15:22:00.000+10:00", "endDate": "2015-04-20T01:22:00.000+10:00", "completeDate": "2015-04-20T11:04:00.000+10:00" } ] }, "description": "${ISSUE_DESCRIPTION}", "project": ${PROJECT}, "comment": { "comments" : [ ${ISSUE_COMMENT} ] }, "epic": ${EPIC}, "worklog": { "worklogs": [ ${ISSUE_WORKLOG} ] }, "updated": 1, "timetracking": ${ISSUE_TIMETRACKING}, "environment": "${ISSUE_ENVIRONMENT}", "issuetype" : ${ISSUE_TYPE}, "resolution" : ${ISSUE_RESOLUTION}, "assignee" : ${USER}, "creator" : ${USER}, "reporter" : ${USER}, "created" : "${ISSUE_CREATED_STR}", "updated" : "${ISSUE_UPDATED_STR}", "status" : ${ISSUE_STATUS}, "priority" : ${ISSUE_PRIORITY}, } }""" long BLANK_ISSUE1_ID = 10010 String BLANK_ISSUE1_SELF = "${BLANK_ISSUE1_ID}" String BLANK_ISSUE1_KEY = "HSP-1" String BLANK_ISSUE1 = """{ "expand": "", "id": "${BLANK_ISSUE1_ID}", "self": "${BLANK_ISSUE1_SELF}", "key": "${BLANK_ISSUE1_KEY}", }""" long BLANK_ISSUE2_ID = 10011 String BLANK_ISSUE2_SELF = "${BLANK_ISSUE2_ID}" String BLANK_ISSUE2_KEY = "HSP-1" String BLANK_ISSUE2 = """{ "expand": "", "id": "${BLANK_ISSUE2_ID}", "self": "${BLANK_ISSUE2_SELF}", "key": "${BLANK_ISSUE2_KEY}", "fields": { "flagged": false, } }""" String LIST_OF_ISSUES = """{ "expand": "names,schema", "startAt": 0, "maxResults": 50, "total": 1, "issues": [ ${ISSUE}, ${BLANK_ISSUE1}, ${BLANK_ISSUE2}, { "expand": "", "id": "10005", "self": "", "key": "HSP-9", "fields": { "flagged": true, "sprint": ${SPRINT}, "closedSprint" : { "closedSprints": [ { "id": 37, "self": "", "state": "closed", "name": "sprint 1", "startDate": "2015-04-11T15:22:00.000+10:00", "endDate": "2015-04-20T01:22:00.000+10:00", "completeDate": "2015-04-20T11:04:00.000+10:00" } ] }, "description": "example bug report", "project": { "self": "", "id": "10000", "key": "EX", "name": "Example", "avatarUrls": { "48x48": "", "24x24": "", "16x16": "", "32x32": "" }, "projectCategory": { "self": "", "id": "10000", "name": "FIRST", "description": "First Project Category" } }, "comment": { "comments": [ { "self": "", "id": "10000", "author": { "self": "", "name": "fred", "displayName": "Fred F. 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